Axis UL 8 Electric Powerchair

MSRP: $3195
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Axis UL 8 Electric Powerchair a compact, rear-wheel drive, steel framed, rigid, electric wheelchair. Suitable primarily for indoor use. Designed to be dismantled for transportation.
- Easy as 1-2-3 to disassemble
- Charger Included with batteries
- Only Available in Red
- Motor: 2x0.45HP
- Speed: 6KPH/3.9MPH
- Battery: 1x24AH
- Tire: F6” R8”
- 24V Charger: 2AMP/HR
- Driving Distance: 14km/9m
- Turning Radius: 395mm/15.5”
- Dimensions: 30x21.5x32
- Safe Climb Degrees: 8°/14%